The yellow sound2
Sound and light installation
100 years ago, in 1912, Wassily Kandinsky published in the almanac "The Blue Rider" a text which seems to be a manifest on founding sound art. His writing "Über Bühnenkomposition" (On stage composition) is a theoretical preface on a planned stage piece called "Der gelbe Klang" (The yellow sound) and in this text he postulated a new connection between the arts, an "inner" connection of "sound, color, words" and movement. His piece was never realised in his lifetime.
Schlosspark Karlsruhe
ZKM Karlsruhe
Tonspur Wien
In the installation in the royal park of Karlsruhe there are two pure, yellow sounds, which come out of two places and mix in the space between. Together with "yellow noise" and a sentence out of Kandinsky's text (spoken by Sergej Newsky in russian and german) the sound is worked out in two 6-channel compositions building an acoustic space. Visually the two stairways are colored by yellow light and a special Kandinsky-yellow as an extract of his picture "Improvisation 10" from 1910. "Sound, color, words" come here together in a site-specific way, perceptive by movements in-between the two spaces.