installations | interventions
| art in public space
2025 |
hellhören Errant Sound group exhibition "The Sound before Silence - Souvenirs from North Korea" 24 April - 11 May 2025, Kunstpunkt Berlin |
2024 |
DYSTOPIA sound art biennial HAUNT/frontviews | Galiläa-Curch | Errant Sound | Kunstraum Potsdamer Str. Artistic directors: Georg Klein, Nida Ghouse 07-29 Sept.2024, Wed-Sun 2-7pm |
2023 |
Unsounds Listening sounds that don't exist - in 3 steps. Tutorial by georg klein, 15p. + Vinyl Release Exhibition Magnified Ear, A.P.T. Gallery, London, 1-18 June 2023 |
2022 |
3 neue Schwestern (3 new nurses) Three sound-installations in the "Nurse Park", 22. Wittener Tage für Neue Kammermusik Schwesternpark Witten, 6-8 May 2022 |
2021 |
Dark Matter Immersive sound video installation Exhibition HATERS, Errant Sound Berlin August 21th - Sept 12th 2021 |
deep pink sound light installation in a hostel boat cabin 129 Gallery on the Hostel Boat "Western Comfort" at river Spree, Berlin / Friedrichshain June 18th - July 25th 2021 |
passage Interactive sound installation Burgdorf, intraregionale - sound art festival 2021 der Hörregion Hannover June 13th - July 18th 2021, public space |
2020 |
DYSTOPIE sound art festival : Berlin - Brazil Artistic directors: Georg Klein, Laura Mello. Co-Curators: J. Gerlach, A. Fenerich, K.Reese, M.Asef 24 projects and 40 artists Oct 16 Nov 1 2020, Alte Münze - Spreeufer - Errant Sound, Berlin |
NILAND Audiovisual Installation (video triptych, 4-ch-sound) July 3rd - 26th 2020, Kunstpunkt Berlin Nov 18-22 2020, DOKFEST Kassel |
2019 |
The Dry and the Wet (Preview) Sound-Video-Installation, Dystopia-Festival Istanbul Oct 30th - Nov 4th 2019, MIAM Istanbul |
warten | waiting Sound-Video-Installation, Exhibitiion Kunst.Schoeler #4: Stadt / City Sept 29th - Oct 16th 2019, Schoeler Kunsthaus Berlin |
toposonie::engelbecken GPS-guided Sound Walk (with historic photos), in public space, Berlin Mitte-Kreuzberg Exhibition "Tracks in a Box" (CLB Moritzpkatz) and "sonomemo" (Errant Sound), Berlin Permanent since Sept 7th 2019, Audio Walk Award 2020 |
2018 |
The Sound before Silence - Souvenirs from North Korea Pentagonal room with objects, 2 channel-video, 6-channel-audio Kunsthaus Meinblau, Berlin Nov - Dec 2018 |
DYSTOPIE - Sound Art Festival : Berlin - Istanbul Artistic directors: Georg Klein, Golo Föllmer. Co-Curators: Jeremy Woodruff, Ebru Yetiskin Wasserspeicher Prenzlauer Berg, Errant Sound Project Space, Meinblau, Kollwitzplatz, Tempelh. Feld, Teufelsberg Sept 2018 |
Fog Zone Audiovisual installation in a fog space with 6 dystopic stations DYSTOPIE - Sound Art Festival Berlin, Gr.Wasserspeicher Prenzlauer Berg Sept 2018 |
2017 |
In the sound field Series Part 4: Georg Klein + Kirsten Reese, Lecture: Lasse-Marc Rieck (Gruenrekorder, Frankfurt) Errant Sound - Project Space Berlin July 2017 |
GRÜN HÖREN | LISTENING GREEN Interactive sound installation in two parts International Garden Exhibition Berlin, IGA 2017 Opening: 13.4. 2017 - permanent |
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Dansk Graense Overvågning (European Border Watch) Participative project and installation Festival "Horsens happens", Live Art DK, Kunstmuseum Horsens, Feb 2017 |
2016 |
ungrounded Walk-in space bubble with interactive installation Nord/LB art gallery Hannover, Hermannshof Völksen, Leibniz University Hannover Nov 2016 |
sound matters : kein sound ist illegal (com.version) Interactive sound installation with shop Errant Sound - Project Space Berlin (Berlin Art Week - Project Space Award) Sept 2016 |
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Deep Difference Unit Loudspeaker sculpture in 2 parts with 24 horn speakers, audio loop: 9min. Daegu Contemporary Art Festival Gangjeong, South-Korea July - Sept 2016 |
permeiamo Interactive sound installation with 5 lightspeakers and a telephone handset Facade Gallery, Kunsthaus KuLe Berlin Apr - June 2016 |
Transitional Societies Group exhibition with interactive sound installation NaNa NON Berlin in coop. with Kunsthaus Meinblau March 2016 |
2015 |
Im Gang der RaumZeit / Walking through Einstein's Space-Time Interactive, audiovisual installation with laser sensor, headphone and projection. "Day of Relativity", November 25th 2015, Leibniz-University Hannover, Lichthof. |
tracing Godwin Participative project with a nigerian, illegal immigrant in Europa. With site-specific posters and QR-Code (Audio) in public space. Kunst im Faulerbad, Freiburg (GER), and all over Europe. Opening: Sept. 20th 2015 |
kein sound ist illegal (no sound is illegal) Interactive sound installation in a shop window configuration May 2015, Errant Bodies - Sound Art Project Space Berlin Series: Voice Observatory |
European Border Watch Organisation | Installation | Performance April 18th - May 25th 2015, European Media Art Festvial (EMAF), Osnabrück Dialogue Award of the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Germany |
borderlines Solo-Exhibition at Kunsthaus Meinblau, Berlin with "Sprich mit mir" (installation), "turmlaute.2: Wachturm" (soundpicdoc), "Ramallah Tours" (soundpicdoc), "tracing Godwin" (poster project), March 2015 |
2014 |
Interactive Piano Interactive Installation with a Grand Piano 3rd - 9th. of Nov. 2014, Festival 25 Jahre Klangwerkstatt , SophienSaele Berlin |
- Post Colonial Flagship Store Exhibition with 16 artists, curated by Sven Kalden & Georg Klein Oct 3rd - Nov 23rd 2014, freiraum quartier21 International / MuseumsQuartier Vienna |
Forze di Taranto | Two Powers of Taranto Installation with 3 photo plates (doubleside) and 2 loudspeakers Underpassing way in Taranto / South-Italy |
2013 |
: : spree Topographic Composition for an urban space, with Smartphone-App. Berlin-Mitte. Permanent sound walk: 90 min. Opening: 20th of July 2013 german/english/french |
A + B in
coop. with Steffi Weismann Case A (Finance): 3-side audiovisual Installation Case B (Justice): Audiovisual Performance-Installation Schlossmediale Werdenberg (CH) |
2012 |
| GNADE Installation in 2 parts: 4 interactive writings GNADE in urban space and media altar of mercy in a representative space. City of Mannheim / Castle Schwetzingen. Mozartsommer Festival by Nationaltheater Mannheim 4 Videos "Gnade" in urban space, 2 audio-video-loops with scenes of mercy (Mozart) 11:20, LED-writing with a text by W.Benjamin, kneeler with monitor (8 reports on suicide in the global world of finance), sun of mercy |
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BMF-Interventions 3 installative sound interventions in the Ministery of Finance of Germany in Berlin Türsprecher/Doorspeaker | Paternoster-Vibrations | wel-come "Musik.Zeit.Geschehen - III" |
gelbe Klang2 (The yellow sound2) - Homage to
Kandinsky Sound-Light-Installation in two entrance stairs to a underground garage in the royal park of Karlsruhe. Exhibition "Sound Art. Klang als Medium der Kunst." at ZKM Karlsruhe. 2 audio-loops, 6-channel, 17:20 each. Adapted for MuseumsQuartier Wien: 1 audio-loop 10:20 + 7 posters |
2011 |
tracing Godwin Photo-Installation with voice, red shining loudspeaker and several site-specific posters in public space with a Nigerian, illegal immigrant in Europe audio-loop: 6 min. |
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school projects: TRIADIO + trashsounds 2 project in the city and at 3 schools in Osnabrück (with pupils of Anne-Frank-Schule, Gymnasium in der Wüste and Schinkel-Gesamtschule). YEAH Award / Hörbare Umwelten, Osnabrück. |
2010 |
atatürk Website with manipulated fotographs of Atatürk (founder of modern Turkey) as a download service for offices, shops and tea houses in Turkey |
mirrorsongs Installation with 9 mirrors and 9-channel loudspeakers at a prison facade. With 7 voices of young people of Sinop in 5 sound loops. loop durations: 9 min. each |
and Creeds Young male assassins in an oriental-occidental perspective Dual audio-visual installation with three medial layers: audio-video-text 2 audio-video-loops: 18min. each, 2 readers 32p. eachgerman / turkish versions |
2009 |
NaNa Interactive sound installation with one female voice, korean-german. two parabolic speakers, infrared motion sensor 66 interactive variations |
Tours Intervention with a Palestinian taxi in Israel sound installation at a car in public space (Tel Aviv/UmmElFahem) & travel agency 4-channel sound with transducers, bus with labels, loop: 32min. |
mit mir | Talk to me Site-specific research and interactive installation in two parts in the red light district of Braunschweig 3-channel speech column + 9-channel sound wall |
2008 |
doll in coop. with Steffi
Weismann Intervention with a robot doll as a shopping guide in american supermarkets Performance and video promotion video 7min., promotion website: |
parole Acoustically animated video installation with pseudo-revolutionary advertisement slogans video loop: 6min. |
you, China - Medienrohr
(Media-Space-Award) Video-sound installation with visuals and melodies of television news during the Iraq War 2003 8-channel video, 10-channel audio with 16 red shining loudspeakers audio-video loop: 15min. |
paradiso Site-specific sound walk through gardens in Hannover with texts by Ovid, Kurt Schwitters and Hermann Löns and interviews with blind and blind-deaf people voice: Angela Winkler, MP3-player sound walk: 2 hours |
2007 |
| metastases Worldwide - unexpected - double-digit: a perspective on growth mobile sound & light installation in the tram line 8 (Dresden-Hellerau) with 111 loudspeakers and three voices. Duration one way: 40min. |
watch tower EUROPEAN BORDER WATCH ORGANISATION Sound | Video | Installation | Interaction | Organisation | Website Interactive installation and performance with website |
2006 |
starvation tower Sound-video-installation with texts by Dante Alighieri and Franz Kafka video-triptychon, 7-channel spatial sound installation, loop: 16min. |
| SoundEye (concept) Video sound installation with live-transmission between Germany and China 2 SoundEye-Objects with projektion screen and 4-channel-audio |
in coop. with Steffi Weismann Interactive sound installation in a takeaway wagon with one female voice, kitchen noise and radio news2-channel sound, laser distance sensor, yellow light |
06 A bi-medial space of contact Audiovisual situation with internet live transmission between Poznan-Hannover and Plock-Darmstadt 2-channel-video live-streaming, 7-channel-audio with interactive laser sensor |
2005 |
| waiting Video-sound-installation in split screen projection with a poem by Bertolt Brecht, voice: Otto Sander Audio-video loop: 6 min. |
big to fail (concept) Sound-light-installation in a restroom at Alexanderplatz Berlin on the scandal of the Bank of Berlin. Projekt für Urban Art Stories. |
in coop. with Steffi Weismann Interactive sound installation in an empty kiosk with two swiss voices 36 interactive phrases with ultrasonic distance sensor, orange light |
2004 |
warszawa-berlin Ein bimedialer Kontaktraum / A bi-medial space of contact Audiovisual situation with internet live transmission between Warsaw and Berlin with poems by Heiner Müller and Wislawa Szymborska 2-channel-video live-streaming, 7-channel-audio with interactive laser sensor |
Nation | Stretcher of Nation (concept) Sound installation in a wagon, formerly used by neonazis a a music club. 4-channel-audio, blue light, 2 stretchers, neon writing |
2003 |
News Video-sound installation with visuals and melodies of television news during the Iraq War 2003 8-channel video, 10-channel audio with 16 red shining loudspeakers audio-video loop: 15min. |
Wedding (concept) Interactive sound installation with 51 red shining horn loudspeakers. Gartenstadt Atlantic, Berlin-Wedding. |
wel-come Stereo sound installation with 22 granulated voices from 22 nations, speaking one word 2-channel audio, 2 hidden boxes covered by linen loop: park version 20min., inside version 8min. |
2002 |
Marl Mitte (German
Sound Art Award 2002) Sound-light installation at a railway station in Marl with 9 young voices of Marl, reading graffiti slogans 6-channel audio, blue light, loop: 16min. |
2001 |
- berlin junction Eine Klangsituation / A Sound Situation Interactive sound installation in a sculpture of Richard Serra at Philharmonie Concert Hall Berlin with two voices (Angela Winkler, Otto Sander) and a poem of Bertolt Brecht 4-channel sound, 8 infrared distance sensors |